Areas of Practice

Litigation Support


Group Delta has a seasoned team of professionally licensed and certified technical experts and staff with extensive experience supporting attorneys in environmental litigation cases and in proactively preparing in anticipation of litigation. Group Delta has conducted extensive research to determine other responsible parties on complex commingled contaminant plume sites and negotiated with regulatory agencies to bring other responsible parties to the table to establish extent of responsibility and allocate share of cleanup costs.

Expert Witness Testimony


Group Delta has a seasoned team of professionally licensed and certified technical experts that have provided expert witness testimony for environmental contaminant litigation cases in both deposition, mock trial,  and trial settings.

PFAS Assessment & Remediation


Group Delta has experience assessing and remediating hundreds of sites across California.  Group Delta is actively assessing sites contaminated with PFAS and is evaluating PFAS remediation alternatives with the goal of reducing client costs and liability.  Group Delta has recently facilitated the remediation of thousands of gallons of PFAS-impacted water through incineration and is assisting in the assessment, safe transport, and disposal of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foam.

Standard of Care


Group Delta personnel have provided litigation support and deposition testimony in a standard of care case involving preparation of a workplan for site remediation.

Due Diligence / Property Assessment


Environmental due diligence is an essential process for anyone looking to acquire property, whether commercial or residential. Hidden environmental liabilities have the potential to become devastating problems when purchasing a property that has not been evaluated for environmental hazards. Group Delta has experience assessing, cost estimating, and remediating a wide variety of environmental concerns during the acquisition process. We will work with you to reduce liabilities and provide the best action plan moving forward.

Planning Resources & Budgeting


Group Delta can provide accurate resource planning and cost estimates so that our clients can better prepare for future costs. Federal, state, and local regulations are changing quickly. Group Delta can advise our clients with a clear picture of the future environmental landscape. Resource planning and budgeting are critical to the financial future of a business or property owner.